
One minute video of work in progress showing at Dance Base March 2022

Full length Video documentation of work in progress showing here

Age / suitable for 14yr +
Duration1 hour
Number of Performers3 live, 2 virtual
Number on road5
Get in:8 hours
Get out:90mins
Performing area:Blackout required.
1/ 12m x 20m, minimum. Immersive promenade performance.
2/ 12m x 12m, minimum space . Audience seated on edge of performance area on 3 sides
Both set ups for a maximum of about 60 people.
Ceiling height5 m
SetPortable aerial rig or Rigging points at venue. Door frame
PerformancesTwo per day possible
Lighting / Sound RequirementsTouring with own equipment
Additional touring info:Workshops and talks available to support the production and help build local audiences
AccessibilityText provided as a handout. Possible BSL interpretation
Social mediaInstagram – cliveandrewsdirector

Something Happened is an immersive multi-directional performance piece, exploring Grief and Living in Present Absence. Informed by personal loss, and working and living through the COVID Pandemic. The work is a Dance Aerial Theatre piece featuring Video created with performers online and integrated into a blackout promenade performance through which the audience are guided.
More background info about the show development here

Photos by Lucas Chih-Peng Kao

Photos by Lucas Chih-Peng Kao